Package quarks.runtime.etiao

A runtime for executing a Quarks streaming topology, designed as an embeddable library so that it can be executed in a simple Java application.

See: Description

  • Class Summary 
    Class Description
    Provides a skeletal implementation of the OpletContext interface.
    Etiao runtime implementation of the Job interface.
    Executes and provides runtime services to the executable graph elements (oplets and functions).
    Invocation<T extends Oplet<I,O>,I,O>
    An Oplet invocation in the context of the ETIAO runtime.
    Context information for the Oplet's execution context.
    A forwarding Streamer whose destination can be changed.
    Tracks threads created for executing user tasks.
    Extends a ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor with the ability to track scheduled tasks and cancel them in case a task completes abruptly due to an exception.

Package quarks.runtime.etiao Description

A runtime for executing a Quarks streaming topology, designed as an embeddable library so that it can be executed in a simple Java application.

"EveryThing Is An Oplet" (ETIAO)

The runtime's focus is on executing oplets and their connected streams, where each oplet is just a black box. Specifically this means that functionality is added by the introduction of oplets into the graph that were not explicitly declared by the application developer. For example, metrics are implemented by oplets, not the runtime. A metric collector is an oplet that calculates metrics on tuples accepted on its input port, and them makes them available, for example through JMX.

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